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Azar Mehr, with a brilliant and long history in supplying all kinds of Iranian building stones, is always committed to providing products that have unparalleled durability and efficiency in addition to natural beauty. Our expertise in using new and advanced stone extraction and processing methods has allowed us to be recognized as a reputable name in the industry.

Seng Azar Mehr is a building stone store in Alborz province, where all its products have reasonable and competitive prices. Our products include all kinds of building stones and are produced and supplied in your customized dimensions...

Azar Mehr Dehbid Stone Company was established in 2016 and currently produces and exports high-quality natural stones in raw form, tile and slab sizes, 100x100, 80x80, 70x70, 60x60, and 40x40 all over the world. It mainly operates in China, USA, South Korea and Far East and Arab countries.

Address: Markazi Province, Mahalat, Arkadeh Industrial Town, Eastern Nastern St., corner of Maidan

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